The following questions are the most frequently asked regarding snow plowing & removal. If the answer you are searching for does not appear on this page, please send us your questions below.
*Only questions regarding policies, procedures, or programs. No individual requests or complaints.
Snow Plowing, Snow Removal and Snow Emergencies
Snow Emergencies are primarily called based on street conditions after a snow event. Total accumulation is one factor, but the City also takes into account the amount of snow already on the street prior to the storm and whether another storm is forecasted in close proximity to a snow event. Another factor is the expected temperatures on the day of a storm and the days immediately following it. The City's primary concern is safe passage on streets, as well as parking needs in neighborhoods with little or no off-street parking.
When it is snowing, our main priority is to keep the driving lanes open for safe passage for emergency vehicles and all other vehicular traffic. It would be ideal to order all cars off the streets during a storm, but that is not practical in a city with so many neighborhoods that depend on on-street parking.
Snow Emergencies are mainly called for the removal of snow and push back of trouble areas, which we are unable to perform during a storm. Snow removal requires the city to call in contractors with special equipment, which is costly, and also requires manpower from City crews that are needed to plow streets while it is still snowing.
Snow emergency parking lots need to be cleaned prior to the start of the Emergency and this cannot be done until it stops snowing.
We try to give residents sufficient time to plan ahead and try to give approximately 12 hours of notice before parking restrictions take effect. This also gives us time to notify the media and arrange other types of notification.
The City provides off-street parking in the following lots:
Arbor Hill/Sheridan Hollow
1. Parking Area, Arbor Hill Softball Field (N. Lark St.)
2. 230 Colonie St. (playground lot)
3. 178 Colonie St. (playground lot)
4. Ten Broeck Mansion parking lot
Pine Hills
1. Ridgefield Park (on Partridge St.)
2. Woodlawn Park Little League
3. Waterson Park (Westland Hills) Enter On Colvin Ave. or Austain Ave.
4. Washington Park (all roadways and parking areas)
South End
1. Krank Park
2. Franklin St. (between Schuyler & Bassett St. east side)
3. Lincoln Park (all interior roadways & parking area)
4. Frisbee Ave. parking lot (between Second Ave. and McCarty Ave.)
Center Square/Mansion
1. 77 Philip St. (playground)
2. 88 Philip St. (playground)
3. 179 Myrtle Ave (in front of Community Gardens)
North Albany
1. Hackett Park parking lot across from N. Albany Post
West End
1. Bleecker Stadium (parking area & roadways)
2. Tivoli Park (opposite Judson St.) North Side of Livingston Ave.
When an Emergency is called all normal parking rules and regulations are temporarily suspended in the city.
You still CANNOT block hydrants, park in crosswalks, or park in a handicap spot without a handicap permit.
At the time the Emergency goes into effect you must move your car to the even side of the road for the first 24 hours.
Failure to do this may result in your car being ticketed and/or towed.
After the first 24 hours from the start of the Emergency all vehicles are to be moved to the odd side of the street for the remaining 24 hours.
If your vehicle is towed, you must call APD at 518-438-4000 to find out the location of the tow lot.
The main portion of the removal is done at night because there is less traffic, which causes less disruption with the removal process. It also helps keep workers safer.
The City removes snow from restricted streets, main roads and emergency routes. For areas where we dont remove the snow the Snow Emergency allows us to plow closer to the curb which allows for better on street parking.
When a Snow Emergency is declared it is announced in the following ways:
News Media Radio & TV
Message Boards & Signs placed throughout the city
City's Web Site
Snow Hotline 518-476-SNOW(7669)
In addition, APD attempts to contact residents before towing cars by knocking on doors and making announcements.
The City ordinance puts the responibility of clearing sidewalks on property owners. All sidewalks adjacent to your property must be cleaned within 24 hours of the completion of the storm. If this is not done, the property will be cleaned and the owner will receive a fine and a bill for the service performed.
Handicap ramps adjacent to your property are included in the code and also must be cleared within 24 hours
Dig out any fire hydrant on or adjacent to your property. It helps keep you and your neighborhood safe.
It is Illegal to place snow from any walkway, parking lot and/or driveway into any city street or highway.
Doing so can result in a fine.
If a snow emergency is called for your scheduled waste collection and recycling day DGS will collect your trash and recycling as usual. We do ask however if you are able to hold it until the next week pickup; its appreciated.
First please be patient. DGS starts by plowing and salting the main roads and emergency routes and then proceeds to the side streets. We ask all residents, while it's snowing, to stay off of the road if possible. It will allow us to move through the streets quicker and get more area covered. If you see an area of concern please feel free to call the Department of General Services at 518-434-CITY (2489) or report it on See Click Fix
When it is snowing, plowing and salting the main streets are the first priority. Once the roads are clear for emergency traffic then we clear side roads.
Our goals during snow storms is to keep roads passable, when possible, while the snow is falling; and, second, clear and widen the streets for safe travel once the storm is over. Please remember that snow pushback is unavoidable. In order to keep our streets clean and clear of snow, the snow must go somewhere. While we do our best to keep the snow away from driveways, there will always be a bit of snow push back.
Lawn damage is an unfortunate part of snow removal. If your lawn was damaged during snow removal please call the Department of General Services at (518) 434-2489. We will have the damage inspected and filled with soil and reseeded when the weather allows.
Download When It Snows in Albany... A Guide for Residents & Vistors of the City of Albany
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